Frances H. Gearhart Color Woodcut “Rincon” 1930

0 Posted by - March 3, 2023 - Frances Gearhart, SOLD

15559. Frances H. Gearhart (1869-1958) Color Woodcut “Rincon” 1930.  On rare occasions Gearhart created prints with only single block or, as in this case, with the addition of a tint block.  Another impression of this print was exhibited at the Wichita Art Association in 1930.  An impression without the tint blocks is pictured in Frances H. Gearhart: Color Block Prints in Wichita 1922-1937 by Roger Genser.  Signed.  Two tiny unobtrusive thin spots in paper likely from printing. 9 7/8″h x 9″w. 18.5″h x 16.5″w SOLD